The L&D Must Change Blog
Welcome to the L&D Must Change Blog where we dish out practical tips, insights, and real talk for leaders ready to become true business partners.
Alignment | L&D Operations | Measurement | Stakeholders
Strategic Business Partner | Strategy
When You Have to Take the Order, Find the Opportunity
There's an opportunity within every training order to move the needle closer to working as a strategic business partner. You just need to find it.
How Important is L&D's "Language"?
Training or development? Outcomes or objectives? Workshops, sessions, or courses? Does it really matter what we call our work?
4 Tips for L&D’s Working With That “Difficult” Stakeholder
L&D needs to work with stakeholders and SMEs in order to create effective learning solutions. We need their feedback, their expertise, information only they have access to, and their partnership to make it all happen.
So, what are we to do when our work with them includes more blockers than anything?
What Do Stakeholders Really Think About You and Your L&D Work?
If you truly want to move from a place where you are taking training orders to one where you work with your stakeholders as a strategic business partner, you need to know how they see you. Your stakeholders' perceptions define how they work with you. You can work to shift these perceptions, but first you need to know what they are.
Train the Business to do Business with L&D
Have you felt frustrated when a stakeholder comes to you asking for a specific training solution in a shortened timeline?
One day, as I was sharing these frustrations with my boss in a one-on-one, she simply responded with, "We need to train the business how to do business with us."
The Psychology of a Training Request
It sometimes feels as if the requests for training are coming across our desks or into our inboxes at breakneck speed, even when we have suspicions that training won’t solve the problem. Even when we want to do more than fulfill pre-scripted training “orders.”
Why are stakeholders coming to us with pre-scripted training requests in the first place?
Combatting Stakeholder Silence
Picture this: For months, you've been working hard on the strategy for a new learning program. You confidently present it to key stakeholders, looking for their commitment to back it. They ask some good questions then say you did a good job. The meeting ends. Now what?
5 Stakeholder Groups You Must Include as Partners
If you are an L&D leader working towards becoming a more strategic business partner, it's likely you are already developing trusted relationships with stakeholders throughout the business. It's no secret that a solid relationship with the right people is one of the most important factors in moving away from working as an order taker and towards working as a strategic business partner. But have you included all of the relevant groups in that mix?
Take the Order, But...
Turns out, taking orders is a vital part of the change process for L&D to move from a transactional to a more transformational working partnership with the business.
When You Should Take the Order
Yes, L&D. We can have a bigger impact on our organizations when we shift our focus, our mindset, and our approach away from that of an order taker to one where we work as strategic business partners. Also, it's not that black and white. We can't simply swap one for the other.
Step into the role of a true strategic business partner and start making real impact with this free business alignment checklist.