The L&D Must Change Blog
Welcome to the L&D Must Change Blog where we dish out practical tips, insights, and real talk for leaders ready to become true business partners.
Alignment | L&D Operations | Measurement | Stakeholders
Strategic Business Partner | Strategy
All the L&D Skills = An Impossible Feat?
How many skills do we really need to be successful in L&D?
10 Questions to Determine if a Training Request is Worth Your Time
Let's make sure the choice to say yes or no to requests is intentional and strategic.
Take the Order, But...
Turns out, taking orders is a vital part of the change process for L&D to move from a transactional to a more transformational working partnership with the business.
When You Should Take the Order
Yes, L&D. We can have a bigger impact on our organizations when we shift our focus, our mindset, and our approach away from that of an order taker to one where we work as strategic business partners. Also, it's not that black and white. We can't simply swap one for the other.
Step into the role of a true strategic business partner and start making real impact with this free business alignment checklist.