The L&D Must Change Podcast
A podcast where we keep it real (and fun) for L&D leaders who are done with just “getting by” and are ready to increase their impact.
The podcast built for L&D leaders
Tune in as I chat with some of the sharpest minds in the biz, offering insights that’ll help you make changes in your organization (big and small).
Spoiler alert: we don’t shy away from the tough stuff.
Recent Episodes
Episode 18: Do You Have Trainer Bias?
Most L&D pros operate and design from a particular bias based on our primary behavioral (biological/neurological) drivers - the drive to learn and the drive to bond. Spoiler alert, not everyone is driven by these. If we design, promote, and deliver our learning solutions with our drivers leading the way, we become less effective for certain groups. Join Jess Almlie and guest Jay Johnson to talk about how L&D can combat "trainer bias."
Episode 17: The Simple Power of Book Discussions with Jeannine Lanoux
Sometimes, in L&D, we get buried in our thinking about fantastic, carefully designed, detailed programs. So much that we can miss the simple, inexpensive, powerful solutions that are right under our noses. In this episode of the L&D Must Change podcast, Jeannine Lanoux discusses the simple power of book discussions in the workplace, including the results of her research on their effectiveness.
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