The L&D Must Change Podcast

A podcast where we keep it real (and fun) for L&D leaders who are done with just “getting by” and are ready to increase their impact.

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The podcast built for L&D leaders

Tune in as I chat with some of the sharpest minds in the biz, offering insights that’ll help you make changes in your organization (big and small).

Spoiler alert: we don’t shy away from the tough stuff.

Recent Episodes

Learning Strategy Jess Almlie Learning Strategy Jess Almlie

Episode 15: What's a Digital Coach Anyway? with Chris King

What if there were tools available to everyone in our organizations that would answer our questions and guide us through complicated tasks exactly at our moment of need? What if we, as L&D pros, could intentionally design such tools to provide informal learning in the flow of work? We can! It's called a "digital coach" and it just might be a game changer. Join me and today's guest, to talk about this concept, when it's best to use it, and how fancy (or not) it needs to be.

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