Episode 22: Designing and Measuring on Purpose


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It's time to clarify the purpose of our learning programs with our stakeholders, and I mean really clarify. Not just write the learning outcomes and create an evaluation form, but zero in our stakeholders’ real needs and expectations. According to today's guest, Chris Taylor, CEO of Actionable.co, taking the reins to clearly define the purpose behind the request should drive everything else we do from design through measurement. Armed with a few practical questions, a strategy for continuous alignment, and clear measures to define our next steps, we can uplevel the effectiveness and impact of our programs. 

In this episode you'll hear

  • Ideas to sustain motivation after training interventions are complete

  • How to shine a light on the immediate behavior change impact of learning programs, instead of only looking at lagging, longer-term data

  • One key question to define what is really needed and keep stakeholders aligned and on track

  • How to avoid over-complicating measurement by mapping out logic paths and measuring at multiple points

  • The value of measurement for real time iteration

  • Delivery practices proven to illicit behavior change rather than transfer information

About Chris Taylor

Actionable.co CEO, Chris Taylor, works at the leading edge of
learning sustainment and impact measurement for progressive

Described once by a client as “a curious blend of Boomer and Gen-
Y”, Chris is often called upon to act as a bridge and translator between generations at work, our new state of constant change, and the impact technology has on team dynamics. 

Through Actionable.co, Chris brings empirical evidence and stories to illustrate how, exactly, we measure ROI on corporate learning initiatives, and the systems to ensure every program creates lasting impact. He’s personally consulted to over 400 organizations across 6 countries, in almost any sector you can name.

In addition to being a regular speaker for both public and private events, Chris has penned over 150 articles for dozens of publications, been quoted in The National Post, Toronto Star and Globe & Mail and hosted 90+ thought leader interviews for the iTunes #2 ranked business podcast, The 21st Century Workplace.

Find and connect with Chris Taylor

Additional links from this episode



Episode 21: Should L&D be Adding, Subtracting, or Changing?